Have you lost your marriage certificate or need a newly issued marriage certificate?
If you have lost your marriage certificate or for some other reason need a newly issued marriage certificate, you must contact the authority that married you. We can only issue a new marriage certificate if you have been civilly married in Esbjerg Municipality.
If you are no longer married to each other?
You can contact us to get an excerpt of our marriage register at:
Mail: vielse@esbjerg.dk
Tel.: +45 76168900
The phone is open monday, wednesday, thursday and friday between 9 - 13.
Married at a civil ceremony?
In order for us to reissue your marriage certificate, you must fill in the form Reissuance of marriage certificate, which you will find in the red box at the top of this page.
If the marriage certificate is to be sent to someone other than one of you, you must also complete the power of attorney declaration, which is in the same form.