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Parking in Esbjerg

Public parking is available in Esbjerg, but you have to pay to park or comply with time restrictions in parts of the city. 

The Paid Parking Zone, marked in red on the map, encompasses the municipal parking areas as well as the parking garage in Danmarksgade marked in blue. When registering your parking from the beginning via app or in a parking ticket machine you can park for free for a specific time period. 

The designated municipal parking areas offer a two-hour free parking period. Following the initial two-hour period, parking charges apply on hourly basis. The parking garage in Danmarksgade offers a four-hour free parking period. 

How to use the map

The map shows the paid parking zone and the locations of municipal car parks in the center of Esbjerg. You can turn the different map items on and off in the legend (e.g. the paid parking zone), zoom in and out by scrolling and navigate the map by holding down the left mouse button while drawing the map. 

You should always check the signs in the street. 

New rules for paid parking in Esbjerg from 8 April 2024