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New in Esbjerg June 2021
New in Esbjerg newsfeed

We are so excited to be able to again do newcomer events. Please below find an overview of the Newcomer events in June. 

@the next newcomer newsletter (July version) you will find an overview of summer day camps and activities in Esbjerg Muncipality (we are still awaiting for the release of dates and activities), plus an outline of upcoming newcomer events in August and September.



Please reserve Sat August 14th for WORLD WIDE ESBJERG - the Grand opening of Esbjerg International house....More details to follow...


Newcomers Walk in Ribe

Sunday May 30 2021, 2pm., starting point @Sct. Pedersgade 15, Ribe

Registration required ahead to [email protected]


Walk with us here
Newcomer Hub Jobcafé for Internationals

Wednesday June 2nd 2021, 10am. @International house, Torvegade 23 Esbjerg. Theme: Job search & social media. Limited amount of spots. 

Sign up ahead to [email protected]


Bring your CV or application for feedback here
The Living Room - inspirational talks

Thursday June 3rd. 2021, 5pm. @Skolegade 33, Esbjerg

This time with inspirational talks about Venezuela and Sudan and a chance to update your drink making skills. Limited amount of spots.

The event is full. Sign up to be on waiting list to [email protected]

Join us meeting other internationals here
Cozy Kids Outdoor - tour to Kolding MiniCity

Sunday June 6th 2021, 11am. @Kolding Botanical garten & Kolding MiniCity

Limited amount of spots. Sign up ahead to [email protected]

Join us for a family walk in a MiniCity and Botanical garten here
Ladies Coffee morning - this time on Fanø

Wednesday June 9th  2021, 9.30am. @Café on Fanø + a walk to find a hidden Troll sculpture. Limited amount of spots.

Sign up to [email protected]


Meet international ladies here
Esbjerg Toastmasters club meeting

Wednesday June 9th. 2021, 6pm. @Esbjerg Main Library

Toastmasters is a group of people from all walks of life wishing to improve  presentation and speaking skills while having fun and meeting people of all nationalities. New members welcome. Contact [email protected] for more information. 

Explore your speaking skills here
Kids in Danish Public Schools

Thursday June 10th 2021, 5pm. @International house, Torvegade 23 Esbjerg.

For everyone with kids about to start in a Danish public school or already attending a Danish public school. Sign up ahead to [email protected]

Get tips if having kids in Danish public schools here
Showcase Staged Energy

Staged Energy (Theatre Group) invites you to be their very first audience! They are sharing a relaxed performance of short scenes and improvisation in the courtyard at International House, on Friday 11 June at 7.30pm, with drinks and a chance to catch up afterwards.


Recommended audience age 16+. No ticket purchase is necessary, but places are limited, so please sign up at [email protected].

Tour to Vadehavscenteret (Wadden Sea center)

Sunday June 13th. 2021, 10.30 am. @Vester Vedsted

Limited amount of spots. Sign up to [email protected] to be placed on waiting list, as the tour is full (was re-scheduled due to COVID-19)

Explore the Unesco World heritage Wadden Sea with us here
Learning and practising Danish

Do you know where to learn Danish? Click to learn more about free language cafés and Danish courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced. 

Find out where
Find your spare time activity or tips on nature, culture and spectator sport

Are you looking for a spare time activity for you or your children? Or for ideas for walks, activities, cultural experiences or spectator sport. Soon you can search clubs at the new site Oplev Esbjerg / Experience Esbjerg to find inspiration.

Click to be inspired

It is now possible to see the summer activities for children organised by Esbjerg Municipality and local associations. At the link you will find an ENGLISH outline of the camps and activities plus details on how and where to book the camps.



Find an overview in English of the activities and camps here

At the below link you will find an ENGLISH resume of other summer camps for children by DGI or commercial camps. You book the camps either with DGI or directly with the supplier of the camp.  



Find a resume of DGI and commercial camps here
Esbjerg Kommune
Torvegade 74
6700 Esbjerg
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