New in Esbjerg correction to yesterdays COVID-19 newsletter and cancellation Ladies Coffee morning
New in Esbjerg newsfeed
We are sorry, but there was a mistake in the COVID-19 newsletter sent out yesterday. The new restrictions from the authorities to limit spread of COVID-19 will start as of 12PM - midday today. The new restricitions will apply until October 4th.
In light of the recommendations from the authorities to limit social events to prevent spread of COVID-19 the social newcomer event LADIES COFFEE MORNING Sep 23rd is cancelled (This particular event did not require registration ahead).
For all professional newcomer events as of today and until October 4th participants registred will be notified, IN CASE any of those will be cancelled.
These days we kindly ask you to sign up ahead - and in good time for newcomer events, as we have limited amount of spots , due to the COVID-19 restrictions. People will be signed up first come, first served. Thank you for understanding.
Ladies Coffee morning -Cancelled
The ladies coffee morning on Wednesday September 23rd 2020 will be cancelled due to the recommendations from the authorities to cancel social events to limit spread of COVID-19
Meet international ladies here
International Playgroup tour to World forrest in Gørding
Wednesday October 7th 2020, 10am. @World forrest, Skolegade 14, Gørding
Sign up ahead to [email protected]
If you wish, join the facebook group: International Parents Group Esbjerg.
Meet other kids and parents here
Newcomers Walk in Ribe
Saturday November 14th. 2020, 2pm., starting point @Sct. Pedersgade 15-16 Ribe
Registration required ahead to [email protected]
(You will receive details to ensure enlignment with rules of distance for outdoor events)
Walk with us here
Tax Seminar
Wednesday November 11th. 2020, 5pm. @Tobakken, Gasværksgade 2, Esbjerg
Join the Tax Seminar and get familiar with the Danish tax system! The Danish Tax Agency will be at hand to guide you through the Danish tax system. Sign up ahead to [email protected]
Sign up for the Tax Seminar in Esbjerg here
Learning and practising Danish
Do you know where to learn Danish? Click to learn more about free language cafés and Danish courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced.
Find out where
Find your spare time activity
Are you looking for a spare time activity for you or your children? @EsbjergLive you can search clubs. Find inspiration on activites and networks.
Click to be inspired